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The Development of a Korean Home Environment Scale for Infants and Toddlers
Jung Min Kim , Ji Hyun Kim , Hyun Sim Jung
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):1-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.1
19 |
Discriminant Analysis of Bullying Participant Roles among Children
Youn Hwa Kim , Sae Young Han
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):19-41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.19
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Preschoolers` Compliance and Noncompliance: As a Function of Maternal Behavior, Child Gender and Age and Social Context
Eui Seon Yong , Seong Yeon Park
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):43-57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.43
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The Effect of a Child`s Temperament, Child-mother Goodness of Fit and a Child`s Self-perception
Yu Jin Jang , Kang Yi Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):59-76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.59
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Effects of Family Environment, Shame and Guilt Proneness on Parentification of Male and Female Juveniles
Eun Kyung Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):77-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.77
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SEM Analysis of Sexual Development and Potential Delinquency in Youth
Mi Sihn , Mee Sook Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):91-105. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.91
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The Influences of Stress and Academic Self-Efficacy on The Subjective Well-Being of Elementary School Children
Young Ah Park
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):107-120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.107
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Structural Analysis of the Relationship between Personal and Environment Factors on Adjustment to Early Childhood Educational Institution of Young Children in Multi-cultural Families
Sun Hee Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):121-142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.121
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A Meta-analysis of the Gender Differences and Variables Related to Overt and Relational Aggression in Children and Adolescents
Mi Jung Seo
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):143-162. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.143
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The Effect of Group Sandplay Therapy for Children`s Self-concept Construction and Ego-development Enhancement
Seung Eun You , Boo Jun Park
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):163-184. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.163
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An Analysis of the Archetypical Symbols of Children`s Performance with Water During Sandplay Therapy
Eun Kyoung Goh , Kai Sook Chung
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):185-202. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.185
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An Analysis of Interactions Between Mothers with Postpartum Depression Tendencies and Their Infants
Je Young Lee , Kyung Sook Lee , Yoo Kyung Chung , Yee Jin Shin
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):203-220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.203
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The Here and Now of Admission Counseling at Child-Care Centers -With a Focus on the Episodes and Metaphors as Used by the Principals-
Soo Hyang Kim , Eun Joo Kwon , Kyung Hwa Chung , Young Rim Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):221-239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.221
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An Analysis of the Concept Map of Kindergarten Teachers with a Special Regard to the Multi-Cultural Education
Min Kyoung Hong , Kyeong Hwa Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(3):241-255. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.241