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Table of Contents | , 2003  Vol. 24  No.3 | Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive |
In this issue:


1 Gender Differences in Science-Gifted and General Students: Creative Thinking, Personality, Environment, and Performance in Science
Myung Sook Kim , Dae Ryun Chung , Jong Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):1-13.
15 Young Children`s Social Interaction and Task Performance in Dyadic Collaboration
Mee Ock Suh
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):15-26.
27 Effects of Emotionality, Interpersonal Problem Solving Strategies, and Maternal Behaviors on Children`s Social Competence
Yeon Hee Kwon , Kyung Ja Park
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):27-44.
45 A Cross-Generational Comparison of Traditional Rituals Parenting to Childbirth and Early Childhood
Ha Yeoung Min , An Jin Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):45-56.
57 Parental Efficacy and Practices among Korean Immigrant Families in the US
Hae Seung Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):57-71.
73 Differential Relationship between Maternal Monitoring and Adolescent Drinking and Vandalism as a Function of Adolescents` Parental Rule Obedience
Yun Joo Chyung , Nancy Darling
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):73-85.
87 The Relationship of Parental Monitoring to Deviant Behaviors and Self-Esteem in Adolescents
Yu Mee Rah , Yon Jin Lim
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):87-98.
99 Fathers of Preschool Children: Childrearing Involvement, Husband-Wife Relationship and Growth as a Parent
Jeong Soon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):99-108.
109 An Ethnographic Study on Cyber-Delinquency among Adolescents
Yun Sook Sung , So Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):109-134.
135 Development and Validation of an Observation Scale for Day Care Programs
Un Hai Rhee , Hye Yeong Choi , Hye Rin Song , Hye Young Shin
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):135-149.
151 Developing Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales: Identification of Children Needing Early intervention
Hui Young Chun
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):151-164.
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