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Effects on Creativity of Child`s Temperament , Depression , Self - Esteem , Self - Efficacy , and Problem - Solving Style : A Path Model
Won Kyung Kim,Nam Hee Woo
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):1-16.
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A Study on the Self - Awareness of Infants
Yang Eun Kim,Bok Hee Cho
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):17-30.
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Young Children`s Perceptions and Responses to Negative Emotions
Youn Hee Jeong,Hee Jin Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):31-47.
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Effects of Perceptional Fidelity and Advice of a Scientific Inquiry Computer Simulations on Task Achievement and Metacognition in Preschoolers
Jun Gyu Kim,Young Tae Park
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):49-69.
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Effects of Mother`s Personality Traits on Maternal Childrearing Behaviors
Young Yae Park,Young Hee Choi,In Jeon Park
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):71-88.
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Ideal Maternal Behaviors as Viewed by Professionals in Three Different Cultures : Korea , the United States , and France
Mee Hyang Koo,Yang Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):89-105.
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Differences between institutionalized and Home - reared Children in Social Skills and Affective Perspective Taking
Se Eun Kwon,Soon Hyung Yi
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):107-120.
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Preadolescent Communication Skills and Quality of Peer Relationships by Institutionalization , Sex , and Age
Jin Kyoung Kim,An Jin Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(2):121-135.