5 |
Children`s Preference and Friendship According to Their Sociometric Status
Si Ja Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):5-19.
21 |
Developmental trends of children`s emotional intelligence
Kyoung Hoe Kim,Kyoung Hee Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):21-34.
35 |
An Ecological Approach to Analysis of Variables in the Parenting Stress of the Dual - Earner Mothers and Fathers
Ki Hyun Kim,Bok Hee Cho
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):35-50.
51 |
The Acquisition of Korean Grammatical Morphemes in Early Childhood
Soon Hyung Yi
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):51-68.
69 |
The Language Development of Bilingual Children Speaking Korean and English
Hae Sin Whang,Hae Jeong Whang
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):69-79.
81 |
Attachment Related Variables in Infants and Characteristics of Maternal Behavior
Mee Hyang Koo,Yang Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):81-103.
105 |
Factors Related to The Pregnancy of Teen - age Unwed Mothers
Mi Hyun Yoon,Jae Yeon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):105-121.
123 |
Early Identification of 2 - and 3 - Year - Old Children for Social and Emotional Problems : A Preliminary Study of the Ages and Stages Questionnaires : Social - Emotional ( ASQ : SE )
Kay Heoung Heo
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):123-141.
143 |
Peer Acceptance and Friendship Quality : The Role of Children's Internal Representational Models of Peers
Yu Mee Rah
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):143-158.
159 |
Influences of Communication with Parents , Relations with Teachers and Intramural / Extramural Activities on Peer Relationships
Young Ml Kim,Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):159-175.
177 |
Accreditation Standards and Procedures for Institutions of Early Childhood Education and Care
Ok Seung Yang
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):177-196.
197 |
Play Materials Used in Children`s Pretend Play : Structured Versus Unstructured Toys
Eun Jin Cho
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):197-210.
211 |
An analysis of children`s books used in the educational activities in kindergarten
Hye Kyung Park,Dae Ryun Chung
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):211-226.
227 |
The Effect of Picture Book Based Mathematical Activities on Mathematical Problem - Solving Performance in children
Seok Youn Park,Kyoung Sook Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):227-241.
243 |
The Effects of Literature - based Reading Instruction on Children`s Literacy
Soon Duk Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):243-257.
259 |
Effects of Teacher Intervention in Sociodramatic Play on Social Play Levels , Social Skills and Language Abilities of Young Children
Youn Kyoung Lee,Yeo Kyoung Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):259-274.
275 |
Effectiveness of Group Art Therapy and Psychodrama in Changing Family Perceptions of Mothers
Jung Sook Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2000;21(4):275-293.