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Current and Ethnicity Issues Represented in Child-Rearing Practices of Korean-Chinese Families in YanBian, China
Gad Jung Yoon , Eun Kyung Goh , Kai Sook Chung
Korean J Child Stud.2008;29(5):31-50.
The Comparison of Linguistic and Psychological Characteristics in the Writing of Korean and Korean-Chinese Adolescents
Min Jung Park , Hye Won Park Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2008;29(3):357-373.
Korean-Chinese Children`s Family Life in Yan-Bian, China: Separated From or Living with Their Parents
Gab Jung Yoon , Kai Sook Chung
Korean J Child Stud.2007;28(4):169-185.
Similarities and Differences in Temperament Among Korean-Chinese, Chinese-Korean, Chinese and Korean Children
Min Jung Park , Hye Won Choi Park
Korean J Child Stud.2007;28(1):129-145.
Attachment with Caregivers and Adjustment of Korean-Chinese Children Separated from Their Parents
Bok Hee Cho , Joo Yeon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(4):247-263.
A Comparison of Self-concept in Chinese Immigrant, Korean-Chinese, and Korean Adolescents
Sa Rah Lee , Hye Won Park Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(2):181-194.
Separation from Parents : Socio-Emotional Adjustment of Korean-Chinese Elementary School Children in Yanbian - Comparison with Korean Children-
Hui Young Chun , Kai Sook Chung , Kyung Hee Ok , Hye Jung Hwang , Cheng Xue Cui
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(2):101-126.
Acquisition of Grammatical Functions of the Korean Language by Korean-Chinese Children: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study
Kwee Ock Lee , Hyoung Jai Kim , Hae Ryoun Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(2):1-14.
Acculturation Strategies and School Adjustment of Korean-Chinese and Chinese-Korean Children
Bok Hee Cho , Joo Yeon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(1):95-111.
Developmental Environment and Adjustment of Korean-Chinese Children Separated from Both Their Parents
Bok Hee Cho , Joo Yeon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(4):231-245.
The Development of Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence Rules and Kulja Reading in Korean-Chinese Children
Hye Kyung Yoon , Hye Won Park
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(4):145-155.
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