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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(1); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(1): 51-69.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.1.51
표상적 관계에 대한 영유아의 이해와 발달
박찬형 , 이종희
Development of Young Children`s Understanding of Representational Relations
Chan Hyung Park , Jong Hee Lee
This study examined how young children understand representational relations between referents and their representational objects. Ninety-four children aged 2- to 4.5-years of age were individually tested; firstly in the scale-model tasks, and then in the scale-map tasks. Data were analyzed both by means of Chi-Square test and by a more descriptive, micro analysis. According to the results, there were significant age differences in the understanding of representational relations, regardless of the type of representational objects. In the descriptive, micro analysis, it was found that before 3 years of age, young children have a great deal of difficulties in understanding representational relations. More importantly, young children under three seemed unable to understand representational relations, especially when the similarities as well as the differences between the representational object and the referent were very high. These results suggest that teachers of very young children need to select representational materials carefully, taking into consideration children`s understanding of representational relations.
Key Words: representational relations, scale-model task, scale-map task, representational objects
주요어: 표상적 관계, 축소모델과제, 축소지도과제, 표상물
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