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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(4); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(4): 15-27.
아동의 억제 조절 기술과 헛믿음 과제 수행과의 관련성
한은주 , 최경숙
The Relationship of False Belief and Inhibitory Control Skill in 3-and 4-Year-Old Children
Han Eun Ju , Choe Gyeong Sug
The subjects were individually presented with the Maxi-doll task to examine false belief and with the flower-star (Stroop-like day-night) test to examine inhibitory control skill. In the 1^(st) session, the subjects were tested with both the Maxi tesk and the flower-star test. Three days later, subjects were retested with the Maxi task, including an inhibitory cue. Data were analyzed by 3-way ANOVA, age(2)
Key Words: false belief, inhibitory control skill, inhibitory cue
주요어: 헛믿음, 억제조절기술, 억제단서
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