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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 23(1); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(1): 1-16.
발달과정에서 위험요소에 노출된 유아의 심리적 건강성과 보호요인 분석
Resilience and Protective Factors in At - risk Children
Wan Jeong Lee
This study explored resilience and protective factors in children at-risk. Teachers of 755 children in child care centers replied to questionnaires regarding resiliency and behavior problems; children`s mothers replied to questionnaires about risk factors, own parenting, and family hardiness. The data of 216 vulnerable children and 355 children in a comparative group who had not been exposed to any risk factors were analyzed. Findings showed that resilience was differentiated by gender and age; that is, resilience in the vulnerable group covaried as a function of gender and age. The resilience level of the vulnerable group was lower than the comparative group. Children with fewer behavior problems had a higher level of resilience, and resilience was higher for vulnerable children with higher levels of protective factors.
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