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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 22(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(2): 91-111.
저소득층 아동의 학업 , 정서 및 사회성 발달 : 부모보호와 자기보호 비교
Variations and Outcomes in the After - School Care of children from Low - Income Famillies
Kyung Hee Ok,Mee Hae Kim,Hui Young Chun
The present study investigated differences in children`s school achievement and emotional and social development by type of after-school care: self-care and mother-care. It also examined relationships between children`s developmental outcomes and ecological variables, including individual, familial, and environmental variables by care methods. The data of 330 mother-care and 161 self-care children was provided by teachers, mothers, and the children themselves. The analyses of the data were conducted by t-test, correlation, and regression. Findings were that mother-care children had higher scores in grades, school adjustment and teacher relationship and lower depression and withdrawn behaviors than self-care children; after-school activities and peer support predicted the developmental outcomes of mother-care children; gender, autonomous ability, and behavior control predicted the development of self-care children.
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