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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(4); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(4): 105-121.
10 대 미혼모의 임신관련 요인에 관한 연구
Factors Related to The Pregnancy of Teen - age Unwed Mothers
Mi Hyun Yoon,Jae Yeon Lee
This research focused on the cause and effect relationship between various factors related to teen-age pregnancy. A total of 130 unwed mothers were interviewed regarding details of their pregnancies. Path analysis showed that knowledge of contraception and premarital sexual attitudes were the important factors affecting the premarital sexual behaviors directly. It was also shown that the sexual attitudes of friendship groups indirectly affects premarital sexual behaviors through the path of the premarital sexual attitudes. When sexual attitudes of the friendship group is open, premarital sexual attitudes become open, causing the increase in premarital sexual behaviors. Premarital sexual behaviors and the knowledge of contraception did not have a statistical effect on the number of pregnancies.
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