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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(3); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(3): 77-95.
아동의 친구관계에 관한 연구
A Study on Children's Friendship
Un Hai Rhee
Friendship network characteristics, friendship quality, and popularity status were examined for 298 first and third graders(M age=7 yrs., 3 mo. and 9 yrs., 2 mo.). Children provided friendship nominations and responded to the Friendship Quality Scale(Rhee & Koh, in press). Results indicated that 3rd graders had larger friendship networks and more supportive friendship than 1st graders, and girls reported more reciprocal friends and more supportive friendships than boys. The best predictor for friendship satisfaction was a reliable alliance. The higher the reciprocity in friendship choice, the higher the perception of friendship functions and satisfaction. Unpopular children were less likely than popular children to have a reciprocal friend, although friendless children were found in both groups.
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