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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 18(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1997;18(1): 125-142.
어머니의 전통 - 근대 가치관과 양육행동 및 아동의 사회적 행동
김지신, 박성연
Maternal Traditional - Modern Values , Childrearing Practices and Children's Social Behaviors
Ji Shin Kim,Seong Yeon Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between maternal traditional-modern values, childrearing practices and children`s social behaviors. The subjects were 500 fifth grade elementary school children and their mothers, and teachers, and peers in the same classroom. The data were collected through questionnaires on maternal traditional values, perceived maternal childrearing practices, and children`s social behaviors. Traditional maternal values focused on familial collectivism and politeness. The major results were as follows: (1) Maternal traditional values were positively related to childrearing practices in both maternal affection
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