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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 18(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1997;18(1): 109-123.
청소년의 감각추구성향과 위험행동간의 관계
Relationships between Adolescence's Sensation Seeking and Their Risk Behaviors
Mi Kyoung Oh
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between adolescent sensation-seeking and risk behavior. This study was based on Zuckerman`s model which states that the higher the sensation-seeking score, the higher the risk behavior score. The subjects were 460 third year high school adolescents in Seoul. Instruments were the Arnett, Inventory on Sensation-Seeking and questionnaires on risk behavior as well as demographic variables. Statistical procedures were T-test, F-test, correlation, and heirarchical regression analysis. Sex was the only demographic variable related to sensation-seeking scores; there were differences in risk behavior score by father`s education, mother`s education and father`s occupation; adolescent sensation-seeking and demographic variables (father`s education, mother`s education, and father`s occupation) influenced adolescent risk behaviors.
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