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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 18(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1997;18(1): 81-107.
전통 ' 효 ' 개념에서 본 부모역할 인식과 자녀양육행동
정옥분, 김광웅, 김동춘, 유가효, 윤종희, 정현희, 최경순, 최영희
Perception of Parental Filial Piety and Child - Rearing Behavior
Ock Boon Chung,Kwang Woong Kim,Dong Choon Kim,Ka Hyo Yoo,Chong Hee Yoon,Hyeong Hee Jeong,Kyung Soon Choi,Young Hee Choi
This study investigated parental perceptions and practice of filial piety and in child rearing practices regarding filinal piety. The subjects of this study were 681 parents. 1) The results showed that most parents perceive, practice and teach their children the 12 virtues of filial piety. 2) There were significant differences in fathers` view (perception, practices, education) of ancestor-worship as found according to child developmental stage. The significant of difference in mother`s perceptions of emotional-care, ancestor-worship and persuasion and moral training was found according to child developmental stage. The significant differences in mother`s practices in moral training, economic-support, persuasion, and ancestor-worship, were found according to child developmental stage. The significant differences in mother`s child-rearing in gratefulness, moral-training, emotional-care, persuasion, obedience to parents, and ancestor-worship were found according to child developmental stage. 3) Traditional child-rearing behavior has declined.
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